Monday, August 31, 2009

We MADE this.

I know this is totally lackluster for most people but if you knew what we went through to make this peach....

3 summers ago we planted a tiny (don't underestimate my tiny...this thing was a twig) tree that I bought online. Couldn't have been more than a foot tall. Gus the terrible saw it as a chew toy for his little 3 month old razor teeth. We actually planted 3 trees; a peach, cherry and what we think is a pear. We forgot. Gus took the cherry tree down at the same time that he tried to murder the peach and mystery/pear tree. But we said, what the heck. Let's see how this plays out. 3 years later the trees are about 9-10 feet tall. The mystery/pear tree was all leaves this year but our GLORIOUS peach tree produced one, fuzzy, medium sized and darn near perfect peach. Isn't it pretty? It tasted even better than the peaches I bought at Pikes Market in Seattle the previous weekend. Agh fruit. How I love thee.

HDR Summer BBQ

So Nick's work had their big summer ordeal this weekend. We floated the Boise River and ended up back at the park for the best BBQ I have ever put in my mouth. I had 4 sandwiches. I wanted more. In fact, I want more now. Nnnnnow. The other reason it was a great event was because there were a few little babies there so I got the opportunity to creep out. That's at least how I feel but I just can't help it. Babies are so fun to take pics of. I just hope their rents are down for the cause. Here's to hopin! SO cute though. Landon didn't take that "what the heck are you doing crazy person?" look off of his face the entire time. haha. I love it.

La Grande, OR with the Kunz clan

Here are some pics from Nick and my trip over to La Grande yesterday to visit friends. We started off at the most important place, New York Richies. DAAAAANK pizza with hot sauce. It was eaten far too quickly to document. I also didn't think about it. We headed out to Shaun's place next which is way out of town on a farm/ranch. They share the property with Tara's parents who live right next door. It is pretty awesome and relaxing out there. They have the whole kit-and-kaboodle with horses, dogs, cows, chickens, bees, frogs and other crawlies. They sent us home with a dozen farm fresh eggs and some chives. Heyo. Ready to eat them now.

I was totally blown away with how photogenic Tara's kids were.

It was strange. They were super sketched out about me trying to pack their new infant away with me. I was like, ok ok ok. Fine. Keep her. I didn't get it. :)

London de Angeli Kunz

My husband's very best best best friend, the best man in our wedding, just gave birth to his first baby girl Saturday, August 15, 2009. Shaun & Tara (love her mucho) were married in Reno last November. Reno was a story within itself and I am thankful no such camera existed then. Tara already had 2 kiddos, Trayce who is 10 and Mercedes, 7. SUCH adorable and might I add, photogenic kids. That's for the next post though. So Nick and I loaded up $30 worth of black velvet (brilliant purchase), my camera and headed over to La Grande, OR yesterday for the day to visit them. I will add some more photos of the rest of our day later. For are pickies of their 15 day old baby girl, London. Tara was already an amazing mom and Shaun seems like such a natural.