My husband's very best best best friend, the best man in our wedding, just gave birth to his first baby girl Saturday, August 15, 2009. Shaun & Tara (love her mucho) were married in Reno last November. Reno was a story within itself and I am thankful no such camera existed then. Tara already had 2 kiddos, Trayce who is 10 and Mercedes, 7. SUCH adorable and might I add, photogenic kids. That's for the next post though. So Nick and I loaded up $30 worth of black velvet (brilliant purchase), my camera and headed over to La Grande, OR yesterday for the day to visit them. I will add some more photos of the rest of our day later. For are pickies of their 15 day old baby girl, London. Tara was already an amazing mom and Shaun seems like such a natural.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
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